Hello world,
On Sunday, February 20th, we had the Caribbean Area Auditor from the Dominican Republic come to Ocho Rios - an Elder and Sister Snow, from Roosevelt, Utah. His father Alva Snow, was one of my Dad's, Glenn Smith - mission companions in the Eastern States Mission, 1941-43. What a small world! By the way, the Branch passed the audit with flying colors!! Elder Snow was an accountant and served a Spanish speaking mission when young - Sister Snow is struggling with Spanish - but has mastered it enough to say prayers! They travel to the whole area and have to change what side of the road they drive on, their currency, etc. Their kids told them to enjoy because at home (Roosevelt) they were shoveling 8 inches of snow!!
Elder Snow remembered Gramps (my Dad) coming to Roosevelt to deer hunt with his dad. He even remember that famous Deseret News picture of the 5 hunters, 5 big bucks, opening day!! Uncle Harold was one of the five, Dad, Gene Gibb, Alva Snow and I don't know the other one - I told Elder Snow that I have a copy of that picture and he wants one - in a year and a half when I get home. They just began their mission in Janaury but are out for 18 months so we should be home around the same time....The Church is such a 'small world' - go halfway around the globe and run into a person who knows your family!! Always mind what you are doing - ala Granny!
So cool!!! Love you!